The Tortoise or the Hare workout?
Do you remember the story of the tortoise and the hare? I believe it was such a popular tale because it challenged the,”faster is better” mentality. For some things, that can be true.
When it comes to working out, slower movements can sometimes be more effective than faster ones. Here are three key reasons why slow workouts can be better:
Improved Muscle Activation and Form: Slower movements allow for better control and precision, ensuring proper form and technique throughout the exercise. This helps activate the target muscles more effectively, reducing the risk of injury. By moving slowly, you can focus on engaging the right muscles and maintaining alignment, which enhances the overall quality of the workout.
Increased Time Under Tension (TUT): Slowing down your reps increases the time your muscles are under tension, which is crucial for muscle growth and endurance. The longer your muscles are engaged during each movement, the more stress is placed on the muscle fibers, leading to better hypertrophy (muscle growth) over time. This can be more effective than rushing through sets, which may not provide enough time for muscles to fully fatigue.
Better Mind-Muscle Connection: Moving slowly allows for a stronger mind-muscle connection, which is essential for targeting specific muscle groups. When you take your time, you're more in tune with how the muscles are working, allowing you to focus on feeling the muscle stretch and contract. This focus can lead to greater muscle engagement and better results in terms of strength and tone.
Remember, progress is exciting!