The Tortoise or the Hare workout?
Do you remember the story of the tortoise and the hare? I believe it was such a popular tale because it challenged the,”faster is better” mentality. For some things, that can be true.
Grocery Store Hacks
Do NOT go to the store or order your grocery list online when you are hungry! Ok, now that is out of the way, here are three grocery store hacks that can help you save money, time, and make your shopping experience more efficient:
Getting Healthy can be FUN!
The biggest mistake I made when I decided to “get healthy” is I didn’t have a plan. I continue to work on my mindset.
Signs You Need More Protein
Have you ever thought, “What is all of this protein talk?” I truly thought that protein was not that important until I reached 35 and beyond; I then learned how vital it is to our life.
It’s Fall, Ya’ll- Are You Saving Up Calories?
Well, if you live in Texas, we call this the extended summer. It does not get cool here until November or even as late as December. This is a special time of year spent with family and friends for the holidays with the most delicious food.
Removing “Good/Bad” Food Labels
Have you ever said, “I was so bad this weekend, I have to make up for it this week.” Or “The salad is good but my slice of pizza is bad.”
Fit Together or Just One of Us?
How do I get my spouse or significant other to be fit with me? This may ruffle some feathers but I’m here for it and honestly, so are you.
Just For the Health of It
What’s your definition of health? The Merriam Dictionary reads, a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.
My Journey to 40!
I woke up January 1st, 2023, with a simultaneous feeling of being ecstatic and terrified. Ecstatic because I have heard the older you get, the less you care of what people think of you and terrified because, the reality of gray hair is already peaking through. Why do these thoughts occur?
Progress Beyond the Scale.
It is Powerful. Don’t get me wrong, knowing how much you weigh is important but don’t let that be the ONLY factor that you look at to see your progress