Getting Healthy can be FUN!

The biggest mistake I made when I decided to “get healthy” is I didn’t have a plan. I continue to work on my mindset. 

❌ I tried to do it alone

❌ I focused on what I “couldn’t” eat and had no idea what I COULD eat.

❌ I was moody and felt “deprived” and everyone around me suffered 😂

Then, I decided to reach out to those who knew what they were doing, and ask not only the how, but the WHY behind what I was doing, and everything changed!

💪🏻 I found a support group which gave me accountability and others with the same goals

💪🏻 I learned where to shop, what brands to buy, and alternatives to things I was craving

💪🏻 I learned WHY I needed to avoid certain foods that weren’t making me feel good, and a whole list of yummy foods that did serve my body.

If you’re feeling lost and don’t know where to start, I can help! Remember, progress is exciting!


Grocery Store Hacks


Signs You Need More Protein